A downloadable game for Windows

Cosmode is a music-focused 2D scroller inspired by arcade classics. Your enemies dance to the beat to avoid your attacks as you try to keep your combo and get a high score. Keep up your combo, and you’ll be rewarded with new music in a different musical mode. Destroy your enemies to a headbanging bassline, dance around them to a plucky melody, or float adrift to the spooky atmosphere of space.

What is a Mode in music? (I’ll try my best to explain this without making the music nerds mad)

Mode and scale are often used interchangeably in music. A scale is a pattern of whole steps and half steps between the notes in a scale. Going from C to C# (or E to F) on a piano is a half step, and C to D is a whole step. For example, a C Major scale, also known as Ionian mode, has the notes C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. The relationship in pitch between these notes is whole step -> whole step -> half step -> whole step -> whole step -> whole step -> half step. If we instead start the pattern on D, we get the notes D-E-F-G-A-B-C-D with a new pattern: whole step -> half step -> whole step -> whole step -> whole step -> half step -> whole step. This is known as Dorian mode. There are 7 modes in the Major scale.

Because of the different note relationship patterns in each mode, the same chord can sound very different. A 1-3-5 chord in Ionian mode (notes C-E-G) has pitch relationships whole+whole -> half+whole. The same chord in Dorian mode has the pattern whole+half -> whole+whole. This results in a very different sound or mood from the same chord function.

Cosmode has 7 tracks, 1 for each mode in a Western scale, all transposed to the same root note.


Programmer……………………………………………………Mark “1red2blue4” Obeldobel

Programmer/2D Artist………………………………………..Hunter “AzureBliss” Giewat

3D Artist……..…………………………………………………………………..Jesse “Sozek” Burby

Music/Sound……………………………………………………….…Derek “Fallen Muse” Petti


Cosmode.zip 235 MB

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